Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Lawyers in Riverside
Has Your Child Been Diagnosed with HIE? We Can Help.
The marvels of modern medicine have made many health care problems a thing of the past. Complications during childbirth are still common, however, particularly when a negligent medical professional is present. Sadly, such negligence can lead to a host of birth-related injuries and conditions, such as hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).
If your child has been diagnosed with HIE, you may be eligible for financial compensation. At Bostwick & Peterson, LLP, our Riverside lawyers are skilled in identifying instances of medical negligence that may have led to your child’s HIE. We know how distressing it is to see your child suffer a preventable injury—no one deserves to experience such heartbreak. That’s why we will fight to hold those behind your child’s injury accountable through legal action.
Call (951) 435-8229 to book a free consultation with a Riverside hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy attorney today. There are no fees unless we win your case.
What Is HIE?
Occurring in about 1.5 out of every 1,000 live births, HIE is a type of brain damage that results when a baby’s brain suffers a limited flow of oxygenated blood either before, during, or after birth. The injury occurs in two stages:
- The child experiences a lack of oxygen, which leads to a decreased blood flow to the brain; then
- Once the flow of oxygen and, therefore, oxygenated blood to the brain is restored, any damaged brain cells slowly die and release toxins, causing further damage to the brain.
Medical professionals must be able to quickly identify the symptoms of HIE, as treatment must be administered immediately to be effective. Typically, this will include conducting ultrasounds, MRIs, or blood gas tests on your child, then administering cooling therapy to halt the progression of HIE.
Depending on its severity, HIE symptoms immediately after birth include but are not limited to:
- Poor feeding
- Excessive crying
- Dilated pupils
- Irregular / slow breathing
- Hyperalert or lethargic
- Slightly increased or significantly low muscle tone
It is possible for HIE to only become apparent further down the road, such as in infancy or early childhood. At this point, symptoms include delayed growth, missed developmental milestones, hearing and vision problems, impaired motor function, and seizures, among others.
Common Negligent Causes of HIE
Since HIE is rooted in a lack of oxygen, or birth asphyxia, there are many ways in which medical negligence could have led to its development. Several common examples include:
- Failing to monitor fetal heart rate or distress
- Failing to address prolonged labor
- Failing to manage a high-risk pregnancy
- Failing to conduct an emergency C-section
- Mismanaging a breech birth
- Using defective birthing tools (forceps and vacuum extractors)
Work with Caring Attorneys
At Bostwick & Peterson, LLP, we are proud to advocate for the rights of injured children throughout the Inland Empire. We know it can be difficult to determine whether medical negligence was behind your child’s HIE, especially when your health care provider attempts to cover it up. We will work tirelessly to uncover the truth on your behalf.
If malpractice led to your child’s injury, you could qualify to seek compensation through the civil justice system. From medical expenses to pain and suffering, to lost wages, and more, we will fight to maximize your compensation so you have the means to find closure and move on.
Schedule a free and confidential consultation today—contact a Riverside hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy lawyer online or at (951) 435-8229.

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